Monday, March 22, 2004

Does love work in a binary logic?

If it's only true or false, or if it takes only a yes or no, it's a binary logic. Like job status, you are either employed or not. Now, does that logic work for love? Can you say you are either in love or not? Can you say your love has drifted apart or not? Are there absolute sings about these things or not? Even in surest times, you tell yourself or your lover, hey it's not working, yet in the darkest and most lost corner of your mind you'd question yourself: "Did I do all that I should, that I could have done?" And that question stays there for ever, even after you give it a second or N-th chance, specially for people like myself who suffer from lack of self confidence or per say lack of decisiveness. It may sound doom, but it's like gambling, when you lose all the money, you walk out, yet keep repeating to yourself, what if I'd played one more hand, I might have hit the jackpot or the big prize.

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