Tuesday, October 29, 2002

The Black Crow is gone!

He was a blogger, Iranian, 33. He was living in London, Britain. His real name was Kassra Movahhed. He was an interactive multimedia expert.I didn't know him before the news. I read about him here and there. He committed suicide in his apartment. This was his fourth attempt. I don't know what to say. I didn't know him but still feel quite shocked. Some say he was one of the victims of chemical bombs in the war between Iran and Iraq.
He wrote dark humor in his blog. A note was found on his monitor saying:

A crow wants to fly,
Leave the wings alone!

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Meep up! How damn it?

This is the second time that I go to the bloggers meeting, arranged by Meetup.com and I can't find anyone. I hate it when it happens.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Too close in fact

A glass of Noir in your hand
On its dark rouge surface
Two green moons
Blazing out a secret.
How deep should I dive in,
To capture the secret?

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

I have a good friend who is a translator from English to Farsi. His name is Ahmad. He has quite a varied translations from Lorca and Neruda to Anton Chekhov, even very contemporaries like James Finn Garner. Mr. Garner has a very funny story about Ahmad's translation of his book Politically Correct Bedtime Stories. Check it out.