Monday, November 29, 2004

Allow me!

Time is passing, I don't like my job, I hate my boss, the company I work for is getting richer and richer by sucking bloods and it's being run by some assholes who openly admit they are assholes. I just baby-stepped into my 35th and I feel so unaccomplished. And please don't try to imagine a faceless loser in your mind when you read "I feel so unaccomplished". For we should all know accomplishment is quite a relative concept.

I used to blame myself for not being accomplished, I used to blame myself for being lazy and not concentrating on one thing and never noticed that how much this the urban life style is eating us up. It's like an endless hunger which will never get satisfied of eating. You have to keep the job in order to pay the mortgage and pay the endless bills. Then I notice that not only I have to blame myself for being lazy, I also have to blame myself for giving in to the awful urban life obligations, mortgage, loans, credit card balances and some unmentionables. I take the blame.

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