Thursday, June 12, 2003

I could see this day was coming,

but not this soon. During G.W. Bush's day and night rants on fictitious subject of Iraqi weapons of mass-destruction and way before the recent war, through some media propaganda (today's most powerful urban mind distracter) particularly American ones and most particularly CNN, I predicted that after Iraq the gang of White House will go after Iran (if they be able to renew their White House lease and stay there for another term) not that the predictions of this kind take a rocket scientist. And now recent demonstrations by students in Tehran in last couple of days ring some bells in my mind, bells that sound bloody and violent.

In 1997 when president Khatami's landslide victory shock everyone the nation, things began to change gradually, professional and independent journalism blossomed, withheld books and cultural materials began to be published and rules began to loosened up a bit on young generation. The more people demanded freedom, the more pressure increased from hard liners on Khatami, and the more Khatami became passive. In 6th Majlis (you read parliament) election, majority of seats were taking by pro Khatami candidates followed by Khatami's second presidential landslide victory which came along as expected, but this time with less enthusiasm from the nation. The political recession had begun. Khatami and his guys in Majlis were not able to fulfill nation's demands. After 6 years, this recession has become a reality and a sort of deadlock until last few days. All of a sudden the political silence in Iran breaks down, right after devastating war in Iraq and American invasion in the neighborhood. Are Iranians terrified of being next victim of same scenario, therefore they want to take action directly before it's too late or this is just an over analyzed thought in my head?

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