Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Meet up!

I was so excited about Blog meeting, a combo of bloggers and montrealers, the best thing that could happen at this deadly quiet slice of my life.
I went there, the Second cup @ 1551 St. Denis, I entered, most of the tables were taken by loners, reading or hiding their loneliness, there was one table occupied by three young deaf people, communicating with their own language, which was foreign to me, and then two beautiful girls sitting at another table, I wish they were bloggers, but they said no and they thought I was trying to make a conversation - and I was - and the only group left there was the party of three Second Cup makers behind the counter, I didn't think they were bloggers; so disappointed I grabbed a shitty coffee and took over a corner, I hid my loneliness behind my first Second Cup. I don't know how good I did. Were you there? Tell me.

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